Fast as lightning, bright as fireworks, deep as the ocean. "100 Films in 100 Minutes" is a collection of extremely short films on the most diverse topics. The program is celebrating its 10th anniversary, so we have handpicked the best short films in its entire history.

The program includes 100 short films from all over the world, united by the absence of any restrictions. Absurdist comedies, horror parodies, music videos and heartbreaking human stories. There is everything you can expect and even something that is hard to imagine.

Screening duration: 107 min

The films are screened in original with English subtitles

16 NOVEMBER, 18:30

KINO 42, Konstantinovskaya St, 11B

23 NOVEMBER, 20:05

Zhovten Cinema, Classic hall
Konstantinovskaya St, 26

22 NOVEMBER, 20:05

Zhovten Cinema, Classic hall
Konstantinovskaya St, 26




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