
Synopsis: Tim, a young adult, constantly rushes because he fears wasting time. He multitasks everything which leads to chaos in his life. Despite his strict control of time, nothing is ever done: his home is a mess, the work overflows, and breakfast is always burnt. Tim learns to have some joy out of life when the time breaks apart.

About the idea of the film: I'm making this film to explore time in different aspects: the urban rush in the big city, fear of wasting time, different time perceptions in different environments, slow time in childhood, speeding up time when we get older, etc. And I want to show multitasking as the least efficient way of doing anything. Attention span decreases and it becomes more difficult to focus on one thing. Everything falls apart, even time.

Country(ies) of (co)production
USA, Japan

Sales Agent

Main Contact:
Nata Metlukh

Involved Financial Partners or Funds

Nata Metlukh

Release Date
late 2024

Animation, comedy, drama


Creative Team

Filmmaker: Nata Metlukh
Sound designer (provisionally): Max Andruh


My Grandmother is a Skydiver


The Most Interesting, That Can Happen In Life